How to fix slow connection issues on Linux

In this article, you will learn what might cause slow connection issues on your Linux device when connected to a VPN and how to avoid them.

If you have noticed a significant decrease in connection speed, try the adjustments below:

  1. Change the protocol
  2. Disable IPv6 on your Linux device
  3. Test several different locations
  4. Try the manual connection via the Network manager
  5. Set custom DNS on your device
  6. Disable interfering apps

NOTE: Some decrease in speed (around 30%) is expected when using a VPN. Feel free to check how to troubleshoot speed problems.


Change the protocol

You have two options when choosing a protocol on Linux: OpenVPN (UDP) and OpenVPN (TCP). Make sure you give both a try. You can choose a protocol before connecting to a server after entering the server’s number.

Disable IPv6 on your Linux device

At the moment, Surfshark does not support IPv6. Having it enabled might dramatically decrease your connection speed. 

See if you have IPv6 on your network, and if you need to, read how to disable IPv6 on your Linux device.

Test several different locations

Some locations might provide a better connection speed compared to others. Try at least several different locations, preferably ones that are close to your physical location

Try the manual connection via the Network manager

A manual VPN connection will provide you with a basic VPN connection, bypassing all the features that might slow down your connection.

See how to connect to Surfshark VPN using Ubuntu Network Manager.

Set custom DNS on your device

Custom DNS, like Cloudflare's or OpenDNS, might bring you a better speed and overall browsing experience. 

Try setting the following DNS addresses on your device.


Disable interfering apps

Apps like anti-virus, file-sharing clients, or other VPNs might use the same tools and resources on your Mac that Surfshark needs. That can potentially slow down your VPN connection.

If you have any of those, try disabling them. Then, reboot your device and see if the connection gets any better.




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