In case you've been charged twice, please get in touch with our Customer Support Team and provide as many details about the additional payment as possible:
- Account's email;
- Payment date;
- Payment amount;
- Payment type (Credit/debit card, PayPal, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Amazon Pay, Crypto);
Additionally, depending on the payment type, provide the following information:
- PayPal - If the payment was made via PayPal, please provide the Invoice ID.
- Cleverbridge - If the payment was made via Cleverbridge, please provide the 9-digit Reference number and your PayPal email address.
- Credit Card - If the payment was made via credit card, please provide the first 6 digits of your credit card, and credit card expiry date.
- CoinPayments - If the payment was made via CoinPayments, please provide the Payment ID.
- Google Play Store - If the payment was made via Google Play Store, please provide the order number, starting with GPA.
- Apple Pay - If the payment was made via Apple Pay, please provide a screenshot of the transaction statement from the bank.
- Google Pay - If the payment was made via Google Pay, please provide a screenshot of the payment from your bank.
- Other payment methods - If the payment was made through Sofort, Ideal, Alipay, or other payment providers, please attach a screenshot of the transaction statement.
- Apple, Amazon - If the payment was made via Apple/App Store or Amazon store, please contact these providers directly.
Lastly, for any additional billing information, check Surfshark Terms Of Service, section 4.