Common questions about Alert account takeover

In this article, we will go through questions that may arise when your email and password are leaked online.


We will cover the following:

  1. What does the number of takeovers mean?
  2. Why don't I recognize the password that is shown?
  3. I had a breach alert for an app or website that I do not use.
  4. What do I do to stay safe?


What does the number of takeovers mean?

Account takeovers identified in our alert email mean that your monitored email address and a password were found online, which could have led to an account takeover.

Why don't I recognize the password that is shown?

If you do not recognize the password, there is a possibility that a third party created an account using your email address.

If you do recognize the password, we recommend changing it immediately on all websites where you are using it.


I had a breach alert for an app or website that I do not use

If you never registered on that particular website or app, there is a possibility that a third party created an account using your email address, and details of that account (email & password) were leaked online


What do I do to stay safe?

  • We recommend changing your password(s)
  • Enabling 2FA where possible
  • Keeping Surfshark Alert on.

Once you have taken these precautions, you have nothing to worry about.

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